Lothars Tibetan Mastiffs
RR 2.  Box 3
Socorro, NM  87801
(505) 835-0505

Reservations/Deposits are now being accepted for the Fall 99 breeding between Lu-Lu (top photo) and Ch. Plato (far right of bottom photo).


  • 2/3/99:      It would appear that the breeding was UNsuccessful.  I suppose there could be a single pup hiding in there but that's doubtful.  My apologies to those of you that were looking forward to a wonderful millenial addition to your family.

  • 12/20/99:  Lu-Lu was bred artificially on 12/11/99, which was the first day that vaginal cytology indicated she was 'ready'.  Over the course of the next few days she and Plato were alone and it is not believed that they bred.  Hopefully the AI was successful.  If it wasn't I'll scream.  It was an incredibly stressful last few weeks and tension levels were extemely high as each of 5 intact males thought that they were going to be the lucky one.